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The Lone Star Desk and Derrick Club of Dallas is pleased to announce our Second Annual Bunco Party. This event will take place on Saturday, July 25, 2015 from 11:00AM - 2:00PM at (2015 Lone Star President) Peggy Loyd's home. This event will take the place of our July Membership & Dinner Meeting. If you plan to attend we ask that you bring your favorite covered dish or snack, and $5 if you'd like to play bunco. Margaritas will be provided.


If you've never played bunco, or even heard of it, don't worry! We will have a group tutorial before we begin. Even if you're unable to stay for the entire time, please feel free to drop by when you're able! This event is open to Lone Star members and non-members alike, so we ask you to invite your friends, family, and coworkers to a relaxing afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship!


If you need the address to Peggy's home, please email

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